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Sherrie Levine in
The Grid

6 October 2023—11 February 2024
Group exhibition at Musée L, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

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The Grid exhibition explores the theme of the grid, an emblematic structure of 20th century art that has never ceased to stimulate the inventiveness of artists.

Since the Renaissance, the grid played a fundamental role in Western art as a model for organizing space. But it was during the 20th century that the grid became an aesthetic form in its own right. From the 1960s, its use diversified: textile frame, graphic grid, computer matrix, documentary device. The grid now appears as a complex and ambiguous structure that evokes the rational order of science while opening unsuspected spaces towards imagination, intuition and creativity. With as a starting point the collection of Guillaume Wunsch and Monique Van Kerckhove, a donation acquired by the museum in 2021, the exhibition The Grid focuses on the art of the 1960s and 1980s and opens up to a wide selection of artists such as Sol LeWitt, François Morellet, Carl Andre, Vera Molnár, Esther Ferrer or Christian Boltanski.

Exhibited artists: Carl Andre, Claudia Andujar, Max Bil, Hartmut Böhm Christian Boltanski, Alexander Calder, Analívia Cordeiro Pierre Cordier, Hanne Darboven, Herman de Vries, Jo Delahaut, Günter Dohr, Michael Ensdorf, Esther Ferrer Luigi Ferro, Anna Bella Geiger, Douglas Huebler, On Kawara, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Jacques Lizène Verena Loewensberg, Richard Paul Lohse, Vera Molnár François Morellet, Manfred Mohr, Eadweard Muybridge, Dennis Oppenheim, Gina Pane, Jesús Rafael Soto, Rosemarie Trockel, Mark Verstockt