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Walter Swennen in conversation

In a new video filmed in the artist’s studio, Swennen discusses his latest exhibition Parti chercher du white spirit with Isabelle Wéry.

When we paint, we’re not in the discourse; we’re in dispute with the discourse. There are no rules. I often say that it is tactics against strategy. You can make plans and you decide on the manoeuvring of the troops and so on, but the tactics are the people on the ground who have to decide how they’re going to do it. And I feel much more on that side. I never have big, beautiful, grand ideas. I have small ideas to get through it. And so we don’t know where we're going, but we’re going.

Walter Swennen

This video was made in accordance with the exhibition Parti chercher du white spirit (2021).

Walter Swennen in conversation with Isabelle Wéry