Art Brussels
28 April—1 May 2022
Tour & Taxis, Brussels
Booth B49—51
Xavier Hufkens is pleased to participate in Art Brussels with Recent Drawings, a special presentation by American artist Paul McCarthy (b. 1945). The selection includes a group of works on paper from his latest project ‘A&E’ (2019—), images that expose the darkest aspects of popular culture and the myths it creates.
Alongside McCarthy’s Recent Drawings, this year’s presentation will include works by Lynda Benglis, McArthur Binion, Louise Bourgeois, Joe Bradley, Tracey Emin, Michel François, Antony Gormley, Evan Holloway, Jonathan Horowitz, Thomas Houseago, Wyatt Kahn, Robert Mapplethorpe, Sterling Ruby, Danh Vō and Zhang Enli.